Oracle Database Support Matrix
From the 31st December 2020, Oracle Extended support ends for 11g database. Whilst many Oracle users have upgraded to newer versions to stay within active support. We know of many other Oracle database users who are still running 11g and paying additional support fees for Oracle Extended Support support. Once Extended Support ends Oracle will no longer provide Software updates, Security alerts/updates and quarterly Critical Patch Updates. Support will only be available for pre-existing issues. The loss of critical patch updates is likely to cause the most risk to your business security and operations.
So, what are the option?
The most obvious choice is probably upgrading your database to Oracle 19c or above. The newer versions are supported and back in Premier Support so won’t attract the cost uplift of Extended support and will also allow users to take advantage of the latest features for automated management, increased performance and security.
Oracle Cloud?
Other users have chosen to use the need to upgrade as the perfect time to move to Oracle Cloud taking advantage of the cost and ease of management benefits. We have also seen others moving to a preferred or strategic cloud platform of choice.
Do Nothing!
Some users with legacy applications or those that are non-production/critical will simply do nothing – just make sure the Extended support fee is removed when the time comes to renew your Oracle support contract.
Oracle has 3 Support levels of support which roughly provide…
Premier Support – available for 5 years from the General Availability of the version of the database.
Extended Support – is available for 3 years after Premier Support ends and includes most of the benefits of Premier Support – there is a support cost increase which tends to persuade many users to upgrade.
Sustaining Support – is available indefinitely once Extended Support ends and only covers support and updates for pre-existing issues.
Further details about the benefits and levels of Oracle lifetime support can be found here.
AgileTS provide a range of Oracle database, platform and cloud services and support. For assistance in reviewing and advising on future plans for your Oracle databases please do get in touch with us